Rakshit Soral

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Why JAMStack Websites are the Next Big Thing for Marketing Experiments

Why JAMStack Websites are the Next Big Thing for Marketing Experiments

In this article, I will define the new thing in marketing i.e JAMStack. I will mention how JAMStack can change how marketers run experiments and what are some tools and...

Click Depth - Why and How it matters for a Website’s pagination and SEO

Click Depth - Why and How it matters for a Website’s pagination and SEO

In this article, we will learn how to implement website pagination in a 300 pages website. We will learn this in a way such that it will help in website...

How to Build a Jekyll Blog for FREE

How to Build a Jekyll Blog for FREE

In this blog, I will walk you through the process of building a Jekyll blog for FREE. You will learn the step-by-step process of building a jekyll website.

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